Davies Forum

In the face of dramatic, human-driven, global change in the Earth’s climate, how can we act?  What would it look like to live in a place that’s made the transition to a climate-friendly society?
Snack Locally.

Addressing this question requires scientific knowledge, creativity and imagination—which is where the Spring 2011 Davies Forum at the University of San Francisco begins. The Forum is an interdisciplinary seminar and public lecture series on Creative Strategies for Climate Change:  Envisioning a Post-Carbon City. Bringing together climate and energy science, creative writing, and map-making, we are envisioning the future based on sound science and human stories.   Class members are creating displays on campus and on the internet of their writings, maps and visionary plans for a post-carbon city— a city that sustains humanity after the age of fossil fuels.
Davies Scholars orient to the sun.

Wanting to encourage students to engage in public service and ethical leadership, Mrs. Louise M. Davies of San Francisco established the Davies Forum to "Search for Values in Contemporary America.”  Few public issues today are as pressing as disruption of the Earth’s climate, and few actions as critical as working toward ways of living that are in tune with climate system.

Fourteen USF students were selected as Davies Scholars for the Spring 2011 Forum, designed and taught by Prof. Tracy Seeley (English) and Associate Professor Stephanie Ohshita (Environmental Science).

USF Davies Forum - Spring 2011
Public Lecture Series
Tuesdays, 6:30pm reception, 7:00pm lecture

David Fridley.  Feb. 15. Fromm Hall, Berman Room.   
Energy Analyst at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Fellow of the Post-Carbon Institute, Fridley works with energy giants US and China on efficiency and alternative energy.   

Denis Hayes.  Feb. 22. Fromm Hall, Maraschi Room.
The Davies Forum joins the 4th Annual Jose de Acosta Lecture on the Environment, by Denis Hayes, founder of the Earth Day network: The Biggest Bubble: Avoiding Ecological Collapse.

Rebecca Solnit.  March 1. Fromm Hall, Maraschi Room.
Writer, cultural historian, environmental and human rights activist, Solnit’s most recent books include Infinite City: A San Francisco Atlas; and A Paradise Built in Hell.

Tiffany Holmes. March 8. Fromm Hall, Maraschi Room.  
Media artist and Associate Professor of Art and Technology at the Art Institute of Chicago, Holmes’ work explores how art and technology can promote environmental stewardship.  

City Action Panel. March 29. Reception: University Center 222, Panel: Cowell 107. 
The San Francisco Dept. of Environment, Planning Dept. and Metropolitan Transportation Authority, along with community groups SF Transition and Bay Localize, explore actions for shifting to post-carbon cities, from infrastructure to neighborly skill sharing.  

Peter Calthorpe. April 12. Fromm Hall, Berman Room.   
A pioneer of urban revitalization, from Sustainable Communities to the Congress for New Urbanism, Calthorpe’s latest work is Urbanism in the Age of Climate Change.

Student Visions of a Post-Carbon City.  May 10. Fromm Hall, Berman Room.  
* also on display at USF Earth Day event, April 21, and
in the Gleeson Library Atrium, April 22 – 29 *
The Davies Scholars share their stories, maps, and visions for climate-friendly community.